This is a Monster “feed me” slot game, using bottle tops and an old plastic food pot
Another DIY, “junk” toy we made and had fun with!
Great for imagination
Developing fine motor skills with baby and toddlers

Take one old plastic container…
What I used:
An old plastic container with a lid (old raisin pot)
Masking tape
Colour pens and stickers for decoration
Lids from old milk jugs and other plastic bottles
1) Take plastic container
2) Cut a slot in the top
3) I covered the edges of the slot with masking tape to ensure any sharp edges were covered up. The tape also made it easier to draw a mouth on
4) I cut up some old stickers to use as eyes (or use any baby-safe decoration/feature you like)
5) No picture for this but I coloured in some details on the eyes and drew teeth around the slot. I was going to do scary eyes and sharp pointy teeth but then decided maybe that was a bit too scary so toned it down a bit
6) Et voilà! He is done – a “monster” lid eater. I decided not to decorate the rest of the pot but I might put some coloured card around the edge, draw some hands on, stick feet on etc in the future

Food to feed your Monster with – lids game – motor skill development – fun baby/toddler activity!
What to feed your Monster with:
We later added some food stickers to the bottle lids. We stuck them on together (aged 20 months when we did this) and talked about the foods. I used different coloured tops and mostly matched these to the food colours. Here’s some pictures of the “food” we fed the monster with. Some of the stickers had to be updated after the toddler decided one day peel most of them off!
Monster feeder in action!
Here’s some pictures of my Little Lovely playing with the Monster Pot. He was 17 months here but he’s enjoyed slotting and sorting things for several months now and has had the motor skills to do it, so this activity might be suitable for babies and toddlers younger and older than this. We don’t know colours yet (we’re starting to learn) but we could extend the game in the future by asking baby to post certain colour lids.
Experimenting with what else he can do with the pot: what’s inside, what does it taste like and, can I wear it as a hat?
Safety first: This activity was supervised. Please be mindful of sharp edges, choking risks with small parts and materials used to decorate the pot. Please decide based on your own baby and stage of development as to what might be appropriate for them.
What a fun idea. I love that you use materials that you had. I’ve seen similar games in Toy Shops for exorbitant amounts of money. Well done. I’ve shared it on my Facebook Page today.
Thanks so much! Yes, inspiration hit after we finished off the raisins in the container. We love “junk” toys! I think I could have made it bit more colourful and decorated the sides, but maybe that’s for the next time.
this is so cute!
What a great game and I LOVE recycling. We will definitely try this out. (Making it can be a great activity for the older children and using it for the younger ones!) Thank you.
#Toddler Fun Friday.
Thank you! We’re still going strong with this toy and my 19 month old is still enjoying the slotting!
I can imagine my kids playing for ages with this game! Thanks for sharing on #ToddlerFunFriday
I love all these ideas. I wish I had started blogging when my mini monsters were littler. I find so many great ideas from other mommies now. Thank you for sharing this with #momsterslink. Hope to see you again today!
Pingback: Monster “feed me” bottle lids slot game, for baby and toddler
Thanks for this! ….its too hot to play out side and my early 2 year old is very occupied and happy!! we are feeding buttons to a dinosaur!
Oo sounds great. Glad it was helpful! 🦖